What Do People Think is Healthy (But Really Isn’t)


Did you know that these are actually not healthy?

Read below to find out how much you know 👇🏽


Why It’s Not as it seems?

Instead of dieting (research shows that 80% of folks who diet will not maintain after 1 year), addressing your needs HOLISTICALLY (meaning caring for yourself as a whole person) can create more lasting results.

What is Considered Dieting?

  • Keto

  • Vegan (if you are trying to do it to “change your measurements” or lose weight)

  • Paleo

  • Noom (even though they say it’s not)

  • Weight Watchers

  • Raw Food Diet

  • Intermittent Fasting Diet

  • Mediterranean Diet

  • Low Calorie, High Protein Diet

Instead, If You Address These Below, They Can Help With Your Weight Loss, Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, and Other Health Goals:

  • ✅ Sleep habits (7-9 hrs per night)

  • ✅ Physical activity (start shifting your mindset slowly with small changes over time)

  • ✅ Mental and emotional well-being (Find FREE mental health support here)

  • ✅ Your relationships (therapy, prioritizing yourself, boundaries)

  • ✅ Stress (taking inventory of what is creating stress in your life)

  • ✅ Your schedule (do you have time for yourself?)

  • ✅ Your relationship with food and your body (woman or man, are you constantly criticizing yourself when you look in the mirror?)

Pushing Themselves “Past” Their Breaking Point

You know what I’m talking about. You find it noble to stay up late every night working or cleaning the house until it’s ‘spic and span’.

Or you may be the person that ‘pats themselves on the back’ for denying yourself lunch in favor of putting in extra credit at work or school.

It is common amongst women (especially Black women) to feel guilty if they don’t push past the breaking point. If witnessing women around you die of heart disease or diabetes didn’t give you enough warning, here is your reminder (because, yes, chronic stress can increase your chances of developing diabetes)

Instead, Start with Small Steps to Prioritize Yourself

  • If the Lord can give you grace, then YOU HAVE PERMISSION to give yourself grace.

  • Look over your budget to see if you have room to outsource any help for home maintenance. If not, create a priority list of small cleaning tasks you can do throughout the day, week, and month.

  • Take a shower/bath by yourself and read a book, watch a movie, or do nothing!

  • Lay down and sleep

  • Close your eyes and meditate with calming music or worship (search on Youtube)

  • Unfollow social media accounts that encourage you to feel bad about not having it “all together”.

Going “All or Nothing” on Life

This is for all my Millenials and Gen Z:

This Looks Like…

  • Believing that you have the answers and everyone else is wrong

  • Reacting to how you were raised and “creating rules” instead of learning from your experiences and learning how you can live well today

  • Believing that the generations that came before you have nothing valuable to pass on

Now, For All of the Generations:

This Looks Like…

  • Believing that you can’t get healthy because you have to “fix it all” right now

  • Refusing to exercise because you can’t find time for an hour a day so you give up (been there… I have DEFINITELY been there)

  • Switching to ‘only salads’ or ‘only vegetables’ in an effort to ‘finally get healthy’

Instead, Do This:

  • In the words of Kendrick Lamar, “Sit Down, Be Humble”. Instead of believing that you have all of the answers, recognize that humanity for thousands of years recognized the importance of learning from those before them. You can find proof of this in various African cultures that value the wisdom of their ancestors, in Eastern cultures with similar beliefs, and in the Bible (such as in Proverbs 19:20 or 1 Peter 5:5)

  • Recognize that “all or nothing” is a reactionary response that does not yield sustainable results. Instead, take small steps toward your goals. Over time, you will see SIGNIFICANT changes in your lifestyle.

  • JOIN MY MASTERCLASS to learn sustainable health habits (New Classes Every Month!)

If this encouraged you, comment below and share with a friend. Also, if there are any other topics you would like me to address, let me know in the comments!


How to Lose Weight the RIGHT WAY


Benefits of Spiritual Self-Care